Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Still stuck in the medical labyrinth...

Based on my last post, most people would expect me to be medically cleared by now, as I did.  Truth is, I'm still somehow in medical review.  After I faxed back my supplemental questionnaire, my medical hold was actually taken off for a about ten days and I didn't really understand why.  I tried reaching out to the DC Medical office, but had forgotten about the constant blizzard they had been living in which forced a lot of DC to shut down for the past recent weeks.  I finally got an answer confirming they had received my extra faxes, but no information on why my hold was taken off or when I could know about the final medical decision.

This morning I received a toolkit update, and in my excited half asleep state (as I actually happened to wake up this morning at 5 am and then my blackberry buzzed and I opened my mail to see the wonderful surprise that I had a toolkit update) thought that I would be seeing the tell tale check mark with the message: A decision has been made regarding your medical review...etc..

But actually, I'm just under medical review again.  So at least I know that someone is looking at my file again which means it must be moving forward hopefully.  Now I will wait anxiously for the rest of the week to see that check mark appear.  I will be so relieved once I make it through medical review - it has taken so much longer than I ever expected.

- Keith


Claire said...

Hi Keith! Just saw your post, and felt the need to tell you that the same thing happened to me with my medical review. They requested additional info, which I promptly sent in only to have the same weirdness with the toolkit...On the plus side, my medical did clear not too long after it was put under review after taken out of review (I think that made sense??). So, next time that it is updated hopefully it will be good news for you like it was for me!

Where is your nomination and what for?

Best of Luck,


Keith said...

Hi Claire!

Thank God! Oh it is really comforting to know that someone else had a similar experience. At least that way I can rest assured that as long as I'm patient, hopefully it will all be OK.

My nomination is for Business Advising in Francophone Africa in July 2010. You?

Amanda said...

Getting medically cleared is nice but I got to say the next step is probably the most frustrating of the entire process. You cannot really do anything but wait until a P.O. decides to contact you. There is no toolkit check mark to let you know that you even have a P.O or who it is or more importantly if they know who you are and are thinking about you. Like I keep telling friends and family the worry and frustration doesn't stop until you have an invitation in your hand.